Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It seems that my newsletter writing days are numbered. In stead of writing the fashion newsletter for work, I will just have to write more here. I guess writing about whatever I want to whenever I want to and only when I want to, will be nice.

LA is such a weird place to spend your life...
Everyone wants to be famous for something and too many people think they already are. Working at restaurants where you get asked to be in movies, working retial where your regular clients are celebrities, and comforting your best friend when a good friend, who happens to be a famous musician dies...these things aren't normal.

My little taste of the fashion industry has unfortunately become something of a joke and for whatever reason the people who it should most bother, aren't the least bit phased. Everyone wants their piece and unfortunately, too many people choose to step on the little people to get it. Now is the time to figure out where I'm going and remember where I came from. Despite the bull shit, I still love LA.

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