Saturday, June 16, 2012

I will Love and Miss You Forever!

<3 My favorite Pinup girl <3


My grandma was one of the best people I have ever known. I have never known anyone more dedicated to family, or full of life than she was. I know everyone says that, but I am so happy that I can say that I watched my grandma do the Charleston in her livingroom on her 90th birthday. I don't know who I would be today if it weren't for my granny and I know most of my cousins can say the same. She gave me my first pair of pinup shoes when I was 15, and told me about burlesque dancers while I played with her fur coats. "When I was your age, I wanted to be a stripper" - Eleanor Nephew. Oh, Grandma I just wanna come over and play in the attic for a while.

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